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How To Help Your Child Have a Great Piano Recital Experience

Raising a child that is well-adjusted and passionate about the arts is something most parents are adamant about. If you notice that your child has an interest in music from an early age, you need to do all you can to help them realize their potential. The piano is one of the main instruments children seem to gravitate toward.

Studies show that children that play piano are usually smarter and better at math. One of the main things your child will need to get familiar with once they start taking piano lessons is playing in front of an audience. Most piano teachers love holding recitals where their students can showcase the pieces they’ve learned.

Are you trying to prepare your child for an upcoming piano recital? If so, here are some things you can do to ensure they have a good experience.

Host a Practice Recital At Home

Playing in front of an audience for the first time can be intimidating for a young musician. Instead of allowing nerves to get the best of your child during their recital, you need to encourage them to practice at home. Inviting over a few friends and family members to hear the recital piece your child will play is a good idea.

Allowing your child to help plan this practice at-home recital is crucial when trying to keep them in a positive frame of mind.

Encourage your Child To Speed Up The Piece

Once your child knows what piece they are playing in the recital, you need to make sure they master it. When the night of the recital arrives, your child will be understandably nervous. In some cases, having stage fright can result in a child making mistakes. One of the best ways to get your child more comfortable with the piece of music they are playing at the recital is by encouraging them to speed it up.

Speeding the piece up to around 110% of its normal speed is a great idea. If your child can learn the piece at this speed, they will have no problem playing it at normal speed on the night of the recital.

Speak With Your Child’s Piano Teacher

As your child’s piano recital gets closer, you need to think about sitting in on one of their lessons. By sitting in on a lesson, you can take note of what sections of the piece your child needs to work on. Speaking with the piano teacher is also a great way to get an idea of what parts of the piece your child really needs to practice.

With this information, you can help your child develop a practice schedule. By encouraging your child to practice the more complicated parts of their recital piece, you can get them ready for this event.

Failing to help your child prepare for their recital can be disastrous. This is why you need to spend some time helping them perfect their piece before the recital.

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